Monday 21 January 2013


No, this isn't Canada.

New Year, Renewed Focus

Okay, so a bit of a recap.....

My thoughts 2 posts ago on the 28th June 2012 were correct. They didn't reset the quota and all applications were closed until further notice, and that there would be an update in the new year. That update came mid December and stated that applications would resume on 4th May. There were also a few changes announced (don't take this as definitive as I may have missed some/got some wrong):

  • There will no longer be a list of in demand occupations - Any skilled worker can apply if they have a occupation on the NOC  list (categories 0, A or B)
  • Points system is changing with an emphasis on language and age
  • You will have to get your education/professional qualifications assessed for the application - although they haven't released any details on this like who assesses them!
  • There will probably be a quota
Now, given the above it seems things are back on, but to be honest I'm not holding out any hope as given there will be a quota but no 'list', I can foresee a situation where the quota fills up on day one and it is essentially a lottery even if you application lands on the correct desk on the first day.

As a result, even though we will be applying, I'm planning on taking a trip in a few months and will be trying to set up interviews with the hope of getting a temporary work permit (TWP). I'm not sure how realistic this will be, but I know it will be hard. That said, I'm aware of others in my industry who have done it, and if I don't try I will never know.

Time will tell. 

Friday 18 January 2013

Round and round we go

A quick post to blow the dust of this blog and say that thins may be back in action after the Canadian government stopped all applications 6 months ago.

Updates to follow.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Oh Dear!

Well we're almost at the stage of giving everything a final check, so application wise things are going okay, BUT I just read this news article that seems to suggest the applications won't be opened on July 1st as we thought, and they will stay closed until the end of the year whilst they draft a totally new set of rules.


We will have to wait and see.

Friday 22 June 2012

Friday's are Important

My police certificate arrived in the post yesterday which is good (still waiting for Lydia's - may arrive today), but that's not why I'm posting.

Today is Friday, and Fridays are important as that is the day of the week that new rules will be announced. To be implemented, things like this must be published in a Canadian Government publication called the Canada Gazette (see here), and as this is published every Friday, that is when we'll find out.

Including today there are two Friday's left before July 1st, so if they are going to announce something I really hope it's today. I'll be keeping my eyes glued to that web site tonight waiting for the latest edition to be published.

To be truthful I'd prefer they do announce something (with the caveat that it doesn't rule our application out), as if July 1st ticks over with out news I'll be very unsure on what to do. Do I send the application only to find new rules published the next day whilst it's in transit, or do I wait for something that may never happen.

Stressful times.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Getting Ready

With 10 calendar days to go until the immigration quota is reset, we are getting there with our application.

All forms are at least partially complete, and the only documents that are outstanding are new police certificates. The people who produce these have an SLA of 10 days, so they should be with us by Tuesday next week. I noted that the cheques for those were cashed today, so all seems in hand there.

Things are even looking organised with everything collated into a ring binder with one of those plastic pocket things for each section. It is now just a case of finishing off the forms, and ordering all the supporting documentation.

Then check the application against the instructions and check list, re-check, re-check again, book the courier, re-check some more, package up the application, unpack, re-check again and then repackage the application.

On the morning the courier will collect the package I'm sure we'll give it another check as well.


There is one fly that may land in the ointment. Any day now we are expecting the Canadian government to publish the rules for the 2012/2013 application year. Hopefully they will stay the same, but there may be new rules introduced and the list of eligible occupations may change.

Whatever happens I just hope it doesn't delay or rule out our application (everyone should not cross their fingers for us and hope that this is not the case).

Friday 1 June 2012

June Already!


So after many promises to post frequently, I have proved I am the worlds most fickle blogger.

... however June is upon us, so that means 30 days to get everything in order.
We are pressing ahead despite suspicions that there will be a new set of MIs, or Ministerial Instructions (essentially rules governing the application process) that will state all qualifications must be assessed for suitability in the relevant field.

What does that mean for us? Well, if that comes into force and we assume Nursing is still on the list of required occupations, we will have to get Lydia’s nursing qualifications assessed by CARNA (the nursing body in Alberta). The downside is that it will cost us $525 and take up to 12 months! Fingers crossed we don’t have to do this.

So what have we been up to? Our house has been valued by 3 estate agents, and today I rang the mortgage company requesting an up to date balance. We need this to prove we have equity in our house, so we can take those funds to support ourselves if we move to Canada. The minimum requirement for a family of 5 is roughly $22,000 CAD (plus change). Actually that figure is nowhere near enough, but thankfully we have more than that.

I’m guessing, but I think we’re about ½ way through our checklists now. University and collage transcripts are in hand, missing birth certificate replaced (how on earth we lost it I don’t know), and we have work references (but need more).

Right now I’m going through the painful task of filling in the forms, and I mean painful. They need details of everywhere we have lived since the age of 18. Do they have any idea how much I moved around as a student. Hints and tips; Google street view is fantastic for helping you remember :)

Okay, June is going to be a busy month, so hopefully there will be more posts to follow.