Monday, 21 January 2013


No, this isn't Canada.

New Year, Renewed Focus

Okay, so a bit of a recap.....

My thoughts 2 posts ago on the 28th June 2012 were correct. They didn't reset the quota and all applications were closed until further notice, and that there would be an update in the new year. That update came mid December and stated that applications would resume on 4th May. There were also a few changes announced (don't take this as definitive as I may have missed some/got some wrong):

  • There will no longer be a list of in demand occupations - Any skilled worker can apply if they have a occupation on the NOC  list (categories 0, A or B)
  • Points system is changing with an emphasis on language and age
  • You will have to get your education/professional qualifications assessed for the application - although they haven't released any details on this like who assesses them!
  • There will probably be a quota
Now, given the above it seems things are back on, but to be honest I'm not holding out any hope as given there will be a quota but no 'list', I can foresee a situation where the quota fills up on day one and it is essentially a lottery even if you application lands on the correct desk on the first day.

As a result, even though we will be applying, I'm planning on taking a trip in a few months and will be trying to set up interviews with the hope of getting a temporary work permit (TWP). I'm not sure how realistic this will be, but I know it will be hard. That said, I'm aware of others in my industry who have done it, and if I don't try I will never know.

Time will tell. 

Friday, 18 January 2013

Round and round we go

A quick post to blow the dust of this blog and say that thins may be back in action after the Canadian government stopped all applications 6 months ago.

Updates to follow.