Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

.... no ... wait, it's the other way around :(

I've tried to seek employment through a few IT agencies, but they seem to flatly refuse to deal with any candidate who will need sponsorship for a work permit, rather than propose me to clients and find out if their client is willing to consider someone in my position.

Recently I got in touch with a manager at an agency through a LinkedIn connection. I explained my position and she said they'd be happy to work with me and passed on my details to a recruitment consultant on her team.

I was quite excited by this and exchanged a few emails with said consultant and sent my resume in. I then got an email saying her company couldn't sponsor me for a work permit (of course not as I wouldn't end up working for her company!), and that she couldn't work with me until I had a valid work status.

I said I understood that and hoped she had clients who would consider sponsorship, but not wanting to be pushy and burn bridges I thanked her for her time and wished her all the best. She said she would keep my resume on file in case she found a client who could work with me.

Frustrating, but if this process were easy, I suppose Canada would already be full :)

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